Read Ascii File

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Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Montag 26. Januar 2015, 19:41

Read Ascii File

Beitrag von emilio » Dienstag 27. Januar 2015, 14:40

In my application, I want to read an ascii file, I'm arriving to that, but i'dont understand how I can read a special line of this file and also if it's possible to do some calculations with this ascii file and to display this calculations ?

Beiträge: 554
Registriert: Mittwoch 4. November 2009, 18:32

Re: Read Ascii File

Beitrag von IKT » Donnerstag 29. Januar 2015, 01:29

emilio hat geschrieben:Hello
In my application, I want to read an ascii file, I'm arriving to that, but i'dont understand how I can read a special line of this file and also if it's possible to do some calculations with this ascii file and to display this calculations ?
Since I don't fully understand your question, it is hard to answer:
with the "read line from file" component you can read any line from a text-file.
Index 0 = line 1
You might also want to check out the read CSV component.
Thereafter you can do whatever you like with the read information (like from any other source).
Gruss/regards IKT

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Registriert: Dienstag 23. September 2008, 10:54

Re: Read Ascii File

Beitrag von abacom » Donnerstag 29. Januar 2015, 09:10


...the solution is included in...
ABACOM support


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