Rounded lightbar

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Rounded lightbar

Beitrag von TOURNEUR » Sonntag 2. Juni 2013, 10:38

Hi ,
I had do a prj program, for control and see servo position .

To see current servo position, use needle panel .

I would like use a lightbar rounded more appropriate in dot mode but lightbarr are straight and can't modify them in rounded configuration .

Does possible self modify lightbarr for my rounded configuration
How can I do it ?
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Registriert: Mittwoch 4. November 2009, 18:32

Re: Rounded lightbar

Beitrag von IKT » Sonntag 2. Juni 2013, 22:41

Hi Tourneur

I'm not shure to understand you correctly, but I think you want the LED-Bar to be bendt. This can NOT be done, since it is not designed to be that way. Do you intend to use it together with the instrument or alone? If so you can change the instrument to be straight also. If this doesn't answer your question, then please supply more information on what exectly you are after.
Gruss/regards IKT

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Registriert: Samstag 22. Mai 2010, 23:56

Re: Rounded lightbar

Beitrag von TOURNEUR » Dienstag 4. Juni 2013, 23:06

Thank for your reply ,
Yes ,want this bend configuration ,and know this is not possible in user software configuration .

But just ask if i can modify this macro lightbarr from profilab concept in my proper configuration ,to have a bend lightbar.

And want change instrument in lightbar, more compact .

I tryed do my proper lightbar bended, but would use hundred leds for lightbar ,and leds in display menu, are too big to do it .
Lightbar have hundred of led and think can bend it.

Just want if it's possible.

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Re: Rounded lightbar

Beitrag von abacom » Mittwoch 5. Juni 2013, 07:57

I know my suggestion is not bent (which is not possible),
but it´s most space saving and simple...
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ABACOM support

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Registriert: Samstag 22. Mai 2010, 23:56

Re: Rounded lightbar

Beitrag von TOURNEUR » Freitag 7. Juni 2013, 20:12

hi ,

In first I take self apologize answer so late in this week ...

I will take this road Mr , I'll use straight lightbar

Thank for your help .

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Re: Rounded lightbar

Beitrag von BKGMX » Mittwoch 12. Juni 2013, 18:36


you can use the MGR.DLL and take a look at the example servo.prj.
(with the scale s-servo.bmp and the pointer z-servo.bmp)

See also : viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1366

The example servo.prj in Run-Mode.
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Registriert: Freitag 31. Oktober 2008, 14:59

Round LED/num combo

Beitrag von tom_g » Donnerstag 13. Juni 2013, 15:40

let your phantasy play with you and PL:

round combo LED/num display uses a bitmap background and discrete LEDs in a circle config. You can enhance the number of LEDs by invoking another MUX in cascade. Use your favourite CAD (I have used Visio) to design any shape/colours of the instruments backpic.

Yours Thomas
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Curiousity makes us progress !

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Registriert: Samstag 22. Mai 2010, 23:56

Re: Rounded lightbar

Beitrag von TOURNEUR » Donnerstag 20. Juni 2013, 18:57

HI !
In first ,i must appologize answer you so late

Tom and BKGMX ,it's exactly what I need !

Use Dll is exactly what I need ,and can have the merit wich I interst in, but very newbie in dll programation
and try understand how can create one dll like you on the precedent post witch you post on DLL on this forum.

I had simulate an anim gif for a pb cell ,and 'll can use this process a second time for my servo indicator.
I forgotten my gif soft but, I recall It's an easy and fun gif conceptor ...

Thank's so much for your good answer and help !!!!


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