AVR mit PL

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AVR mit PL

Beitrag von abacom » Montag 13. Oktober 2008, 11:52


Anmeldungsdatum: 20.08.2006
Beiträge: 50

Verfasst am: 06.10.2007 20:28 Titel: AVR mit PL


Die Idee kam im RealView-Forum, aber ist auch für ProfiLab interessant:


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Anmeldungsdatum: 15.01.2007
Beiträge: 85

Verfasst am: 07.10.2007 11:30 Titel:


Just as information to people using Microcontrollers,
I succesfully communicate with PIC microcontrollers to Profilab in measurement and control applications over the RS232.(Normal USART Port of the Microcontroller )
The nice thing with the Microchip Microcontrollers are the fact that Microchip has a free USB windows driver and a Complete application note on how to send DATA from a USB microcontroller such as the 18F4550 and by using the USB driver the USB device communicates to a Serial RS 232 application at 1 M bit ,this the driver emulates USB -RS 232
The improvement is quite large over the normal RS bus speeds and Higher amounts of data can be send to Profilab this is very usefull in data logging applications.

http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcpl ... e=en021631
The link to the application note
Automotive Engineering

Zuletzt bearbeitet von p.erasmus am 07.10.2007 11:40, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet

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Anmeldungsdatum: 15.01.2007
Beiträge: 85

Verfasst am: 07.10.2007 11:32 Titel:


Dear Abacom
The Serial coms in Profilab makes it to the user very flexible
please do not ever remove this functions from Profilab.
Then the link you showed in a previous post ypu showed the link to the H-tronic USB board and its data protocol which could be used to communicate to realview by a microcontroller by using this board data protocol,I had a look at the protocol and are not sure the low and high bytes is this the asci value from the channel or the normal hex value.
could you please help as this is interesting to me possibly I could buy Realview and use my MC to do the data logging and display it in realview.

Best regards
Automotive Engineering

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Anmeldungsdatum: 20.08.2006
Beiträge: 50

Verfasst am: 07.10.2007 22:04 Titel:


Hello Peter, please see the .bas file in my example. http://www.expertprofi.ag.vu/Pseudo.zip
This is very easy to read. I think the device´s description is very clear as well:
PC requests "s9" (= 2 ASCII char)
Response is 17 Byte: (HiByte and LoByte)*8 channels =16 Bytes + Checksum (=Sum(Byte[1..16]). Ignore overflow.

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Anmeldungsdatum: 15.01.2007
Beiträge: 85

Verfasst am: 08.10.2007 16:21 Titel:


Dear ExpertProfi
Thank you for the file it is clear now .
I will try one of my development boards sending out this protocol and see in Realview Demo ,when I get it to work i will order the licensed verion.
Thank you again for your help.
Best Regards
ABACOM support


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