Gerber import in SL6

Beiträge: 34
Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

Gerber import in SL6

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Dienstag 25. Oktober 2022, 16:37


I would like to import a Gerber file into Sprint Layout 6.

Once unzipped, the Gerber file contains various files, with the following extensions:
and 2 files with a .drl extension : I had never seen 2 DRL files, but maybe it can exist.

The question is what extension should I choose in each import field of the "File import" dialog box of SL6 ???

There are more files in the Gerber zipped, than the lines in the Sprint Layout import dialog box ?? --> See attached screen capture.
Gerber import dialog box.JPG
Gerber import dialog box.JPG (73.41 KiB) 1221 mal betrachtet
Thank you

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Re: Gerber import in SL6

Beitrag von abacom » Mittwoch 26. Oktober 2022, 07:45

You should have to learn more about gerber files, if you want to import gerber to understand the limitations and possible errors.
The file extensions may be:

gbl = bottom copper
gbs = bottom soldermask
gbo = bottom silkscreen
gm1 = ???
gtl = top copper
gts = top soldermask
gtp = ???
gto = top solkscreen
gtr = ???

You will have to check these layers and decide by yourself. A real Gerber Viewer may be helpful.
The soldermasks can't be imported in Sprint-Layout.
ABACOM support

Beiträge: 34
Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

Re: Gerber import in SL6

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Mittwoch 26. Oktober 2022, 16:09

Thank you very much for this information,

The files were generated by the designer using KICAD and I have downloaded the Gerber files, in order to import it in SL6 because I have a small modification to perform.

Although I have installed Kicad to see the PCB, the "display Gerber Utility" in Kicad does not generate a good PCB: some traces are missing, as well as a lot of other details.

I wonder how the manufacturers manage to manufacture good PCBs if the Gerber is not a perfect image of the project ? probably I made an error somewhere in the import process... But Kicad looks so complex compared to SL6, that I even do not plan to modify anything using Kicad !

By the way, the last extension file was not .gtr but .gbr...



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