Hot keys for copper layer switching

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Hot keys for copper layer switching

Beitrag von windcrest77 » Freitag 25. Juni 2021, 16:16

One of the most frequent mouse moves I have to do is to go down to re-select what layer is on top, my current working layer. To add to that the use of tiny option buttons for layer changing is a very small thing to find and click.

Would it be possible to make keys 1 through 7 (on the numerical keypad) hotkeys for C1, S1, I1, I2, C2, S2 and O (1-7)? I see that you currently have the regular number keys set up to change the grid resolution. Can you please dedicate keys 1-7 on the "10 key" keypad to allow fast layer switching? I switch layers way more frequently than I change my grid resolution, for simple boards I never have to change the grid, but I'm constantly changing the working layer of a 4 layer board.

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Re: Hot keys for copper layer switching

Beitrag von abacom » Montag 28. Juni 2021, 10:06

At leat you can use the function keys F9 and F11.
F9 toggles betweeen the copper layers and F11 toggles between the silkscreen/outline-layers.
ABACOM support


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