sPLAN: how to convert ".spl" to ".lib" ?

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Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

sPLAN: how to convert ".spl" to ".lib" ?

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Sonntag 16. Juli 2023, 13:24


I use sPLAN 8.0 and I have dowloaded a lot of additional symbols.

Some of them are in the ".LIB" format, so it is easy to add them to the Librairies folder, in order to have a good organization from the sPlan interface.

But some of them are provided as ".spl" format that we can display from sPlan of course, but how to convert a set of ".spl" symbols to a ".lib" format ?

I have thought to:

1-create a new Librairy
2-save each symbol into the newly created librairy

but maybe there is another way to proceed ?


Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

Re: sPLAN: how to convert ".spl" to ".lib" ?

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Montag 17. Juli 2023, 19:30

I have done this manually one after one.

Subject is solved for me.

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Re: sPLAN: how to convert ".spl" to ".lib" ?

Beitrag von abacom » Dienstag 18. Juli 2023, 08:03

1-create a new Librairy
2-save each symbol into the newly created librairy
That's the way.
But you can select even several or all components and copy them to the library in one go.
ABACOM support

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

Re: sPLAN: how to convert ".spl" to ".lib" ?

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Samstag 29. Juni 2024, 10:41

Thank you very much ! (sorry for my late reply but I don't receive the notification of replies from the forum).


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