A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Samstag 28. Mai 2022, 13:57

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von cdhigh » Freitag 19. August 2022, 15:34

I scaned the 3 qrcode images you generated, the results correct.
qr.PNG (53.62 KiB) 7307 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Freitag 20. August 2021, 08:37

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von K-B-L » Freitag 19. August 2022, 15:57

but why it looks different?
my Iphone can only scan the black one. Not the QR in Sprint Layout

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Samstag 28. Mai 2022, 13:57

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von cdhigh » Freitag 19. August 2022, 16:45

The qrcode feature of IPhone camera is not very smart (less tolerance).

I tested with iPhone.
Found that iPhone can recognized both 2 images If I increased the grid size of Sprint-Layout to 5.08mm.

There are many parameters for QR code generation, and different parameters will produce different images, but all of them are valid.
For example, all of 4 images follows are generated from a same text string, but with the different error correction levels.
Snipaste_2022-08-19_12-42-38.png (32.68 KiB) 7300 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Freitag 20. August 2021, 08:37

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von K-B-L » Freitag 19. August 2022, 17:04

ok thx for info

Beiträge: 45
Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Freitag 4. November 2022, 19:54


I will test the advanced features later, but for the time being I have just imported a few SMD footprints from Kicad, and your plugin is excellent !!
A must-have plugin: congratulations !!

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2020, 18:54

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von CD32Freak » Dienstag 21. November 2023, 20:01

Amazing plugin, you've implemented the features that were really missing in Sprint Layout! Thanks for sharing, cdhigh!

Beiträge: 45
Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Dienstag 18. Juni 2024, 17:40

This plugin is so amazing : it allows us to import any footprint from the huge Kicad librairy....

I have been using it since it has been released (v1.5.2), to import the "name of footprint.kicad_mod" files, from Kicad 6.0 , but I have recently tried to import a "kicad_mod" file from Kicad 8.0, and I have an error (impossible to parse ...).

Did I make a mistake, or do you also face problems by importing footprints from Kicad 8.0 ?


Beiträge: 33
Registriert: Freitag 1. Februar 2019, 19:20

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von burhan » Sonntag 23. Juni 2024, 16:03

nounours18200 hat geschrieben:
Dienstag 18. Juni 2024, 17:40
This plugin is so amazing : it allows us to import any footprint from the huge Kicad librairy....

I have been using it since it has been released (v1.5.2), to import the "name of footprint.kicad_mod" files, from Kicad 6.0 , but I have recently tried to import a "kicad_mod" file from Kicad 8.0, and I have an error (impossible to parse ...).

Did I make a mistake, or do you also face problems by importing footprints from Kicad 8.0 ?

Have you tried the latest version?

https://github.com/cdhigh/sprintFontRel ... v1.5.4.rar


Beiträge: 45
Registriert: Freitag 25. September 2020, 22:33

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von nounours18200 » Samstag 29. Juni 2024, 10:28

Not yet, but I made a wrong manipulation, so the version 1.5.2. does work for importing the Footprints from Kicad 8.0.

What is the procedure for upgrading Sprinfont from version 1.5.2 to 1.5.4 ?

Thanks and congratulations again for this must have plugin !

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Samstag 28. Mai 2022, 13:57

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von cdhigh » Samstag 16. November 2024, 12:23

Released v1.6.
Added feature: inverted font background (negative font image).

https://github.com/cdhigh/sprintFontRel ... t_v1.6.rar

160.png (17.51 KiB) 3492 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Samstag 28. Mai 2022, 13:57

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von cdhigh » Montag 3. Februar 2025, 23:16

Released a new version v1.7
Added feature: Differential Pair Length Matching (serpentine trace)


wire_pair_trace.png (11.76 KiB) 1488 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 33
Registriert: Freitag 1. Februar 2019, 19:20

Re: A plugin for Sprint-Layout, Import footprint from Kicad/EasyEDA

Beitrag von burhan » Mittwoch 5. Februar 2025, 21:18

Thanks @cdhigh very good developments are happening.


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