Samacsys footprint library?

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Sonntag 2. Juli 2023, 11:01

Samacsys footprint library?

Beitrag von G4AON » Sonntag 16. Juli 2023, 10:45

I am increasingly finding that I am having to create my own custom footprints for use in Sprint Layout. Not only is this frustrating and time consuming, it is error prone.

Components from the major suppliers, such as Mouser, have direct links to a huge footprint library at

Unfortunately they don’t appear to include Abacom software in their list of supported products. Is there a compatible footprint library? Or do I have to learn another package and switch software?


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Re: Samacsys footprint library?

Beitrag von abacom » Dienstag 18. Juli 2023, 08:00

No sorry, there is no compatible library available.
ABACOM support


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