sPlan keeps opening in German!

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sPlan keeps opening in German!

Beitrag von Chris56000 » Mittwoch 6. März 2024, 16:33


Can anyone tell me why sPlan keeps starting in German when I open previously saved drawings?

I copied a very large number of SPlan 7 and SPlan 8 Drawings made over many years to one folder in my desktop so I could refer to them any time, but whenever I double–click on any one at all I get "Einzelplatzlicenz" and the Internet Update dialog in German appears no matter how often I update or reinstall in English!

Where is sPlan picking up the German setting from and why is the "Internet Update" always appearing?

Chris Williams

Site Admin
Beiträge: 3938
Registriert: Dienstag 23. September 2008, 10:54

Re: sPlan keeps opening in German!

Beitrag von abacom » Donnerstag 7. März 2024, 08:56

Do you have moved also the "splan80.exe" file?
This exe file must remain in the original installation folder.
If you have moved this file, the UPDATER can't find this file and so the UPDATE will fail.
You may deactivate the automatic search for updates in the update-dialog.

sPlan gets its language from the file "SPRACHE.INI" which must be also located in the original installation folder.
ABACOM support


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