Is it possible to have a text-overline in text labels?
Regards, Wilfried
Text overline (Überstrich)
- Beiträge: 44
- Registriert: Mittwoch 19. September 2018, 10:10
- Beiträge: 44
- Registriert: Mittwoch 19. September 2018, 10:10
Re: Text overline (Überstrich)
Maybe this is an option for future updates?
Another option I miss in Lochmaster is the ability to place objects and text outside the PCB.<br/>
I now solve this by enlarging the PCB and covering the additional space with white areas.
Another option I miss in Lochmaster is the ability to place objects and text outside the PCB.<br/>
I now solve this by enlarging the PCB and covering the additional space with white areas.
- Dateianhänge
- PCB.jpg (58.95 KiB) 23877 mal betrachtet
- PCB-2.jpg (61.59 KiB) 23877 mal betrachtet