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Isolate pads in ground plane?

Verfasst: Montag 3. Juli 2023, 14:19
von G4AON
It looks like this question has been asked before, without a good solution.

Can we have a new type of pad in an updated version 6? The type of pads are these, which I think were produced in KiCad:
board.png (89.19 KiB) 1014 mal betrachtet
The through hole on the left connects to the copper plane, the one on the right is insulated from the surrounding copper plane.

The only way I can find to produce something similar results in this isolated pad, which is awkward and time consuming to produce:
SL6_board.png (11.1 KiB) 1004 mal betrachtet
Am I missing a trick? It would be so much nicer to have a round pad available, without having to produce a zone around a hole.


Re: Isolate pads in ground plane?

Verfasst: Dienstag 4. Juli 2023, 11:24
von abacom
If you are working on the automatic ground-plane (instead of self drawn zones) you can use the option "thermal pad" (picture left), or you can set the "distance to ground plane" of the pad to the desired value (picture right):
pad1.png (4.96 KiB) 999 mal betrachtet

Re: Isolate pads in ground plane?

Verfasst: Dienstag 4. Juli 2023, 12:15
von G4AON
That looks good, unfortunately the area in question is not a ground area, it is within a self drawn zone and connected to input +Ve with vias to a similar zone under the PCB (a high current copper area).

Thanks for the feedback.
