Problem with RedLab PMD-1008

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Problem with RedLab PMD-1008

Beitrag von abacom » Dienstag 14. Oktober 2008, 13:39


Anmeldungsdatum: 01.10.2008
Beiträge: 1

Verfasst am: 01 Okt 2008 13:25 Titel: Problem with RedLab PMD-1008



I will write in english, but you can answer in german, i will try to understand it.

I am making program with profilab expert 4.0 to use my meilhaus redlab pmd-1008 modul, but the thing doesnt work. I also tried that project in examples folder and it doesnt work either. On analog inputs it always returns 304V and on digital inputs there is always random sequence of bits, rapidly changing in no order.
There is no change in behaviour if I unplug pmd-1008 from USB, or if dont even connect it before i start program.

latest drivers from melihaus home page are installed, i also tried older version. InstaCal detects if i connect module and i can test pmd1008 and it works with instacal.
I have changed that device number in both, instacal and in profilab program.
I have licensed version of profilab expert 4.0, PMD-1008 is few years old now, but that shouldnt be a problem?

why it doesnt work? is there anything that i should install except drivers from meilhaus?

Thanks in advance,

LP, Mitja

Nach oben

Site Admin

Anmeldungsdatum: 29.08.2008
Beiträge: 100

Verfasst am: 13 Okt 2008 14:28 Titel:


Make sure you have the right board number configured. BD#0 or BD#1 should work in single board enviroments. There isn´t any known problem with that, honestly.
ABACOM support


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