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von Tim
Sonntag 16. Mai 2021, 11:38
Forum: Thema Modbus
Thema: Modbus RTU slow & high cpu load
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 2387

Modbus RTU slow & high cpu load

Hello, I use the latest version of profilab: version 12/05/2021 I noticed 2 strange behavoirs the new modbus client component, by use of the serial modbus RTU configuration. My settings: Baud:19200 Databite:8 Parity: EVEN Stopbits:1 Checksum active, with no RTS or DTR activated. - When I set the par...
von Tim
Samstag 24. Oktober 2020, 15:07
Forum: Thema Modbus
Thema: Neuer Modbus Client - Paketlänge und Stabilität
Antworten: 20
Zugriffe: 11657

Re: Neuer Modbus Client - Paketlänge und Stabilität

Hello everyone, With the current latest version of 28/09/2020: I noticed that the TCP port is opened - request has done - and closed again. The TCP port doens't stay open during multiple "polls". For modbus TCP, this can cause port exhaustion, with communications problems as a result. Please note th...

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