MODBUS problems

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Registriert: Mittwoch 30. März 2022, 23:24

MODBUS problems

Beitrag von radakmarin » Donnerstag 21. April 2022, 12:41

Hello all,

I have a problem with the newest MODBUS client. Problem lays in fact that the cabinet must be disconnected from power before every experiment (because of the HV) and, in case that the power is off, connection with the LabJack, PLC and HMI is lost. In this case, program is showing some errors in German language and some socket errors. WIth previous version of the Profilab I didn't have issues like that. I want to open project in the old Profilab tool but I am getting error "Ungültiger Eigenschaftswert".

Is it possible somehow to return back to the old software and old MODBUS client?

Also, if I am exit program with X, sometimes I am getting different error "Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0096BF5C in Modul 'Inverter.exe', Lesen von Adresse 6c007500". This also wasn't happening the old version, without the update. If I am using STOP simulation command, everything is fine.

Can you help me with these issues?

UPDATE: In case of lost connection, error is "Socket-Fehler # 10054Die Verbindung wurde von PEer zuruckgesetzt". In my case, connection loss cannot be avoided.

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Re: MODBUS problems

Beitrag von abacom » Dienstag 26. April 2022, 07:46

Well, that´s a bunch of issues. I don´t think you should or can return to an older release. It might not be the best idea to power down interfaces, while in use. Doing so will cause inpredictable and non-reproduceable conditions. PL has never been "Plug&Play". I´m not sure what "the cabinet" exactely is. Perhaps it is possible to power down savety relevant part only, while keeping the interfaces running? I´d prefer to shut down the software control, before powering down anything and then restarting it.
ABACOM support

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Registriert: Samstag 18. Oktober 2008, 21:12

Re: MODBUS problems

Beitrag von KAKTUS » Donnerstag 9. Juni 2022, 14:39

I can say, that the Modbus client works very well.

To less Information for support
stachlige Grüße, Kaktus


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