Multiple Y scales for Y/t plotter

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Multiple Y scales for Y/t plotter

Beitrag von abacom » Montag 13. Oktober 2008, 11:39


Anmeldungsdatum: 15.01.2007
Beiträge: 85

Verfasst am: 12.08.2007 11:14 Titel: Multiple Y scales for Y/t plotter


Dear Abbacom

The more I use PL 4 the more I am happy with it !!
However one thing that I think or would be very usefull would be the ability to have more than one Y scale in many cases we plot say 4 signals
and all have different units it would be help full to have them displayed against different Y scales ,or is the a way to do this which I am not aware of.
Best Regards
Automotive Engineering

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Site Admin

Anmeldungsdatum: 30.06.2006
Beiträge: 898

Verfasst am: 16.08.2007 13:05 Titel:


Well, "different scales" sounds good at first sight, but at least "different grids" would be a consequence of that as well. I guess that could look quite confusing, am I right?

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Anmeldungsdatum: 15.01.2007
Beiträge: 85

Verfasst am: 16.08.2007 16:10 Titel:


Dear Abacom

I do not know about the grids I just had alook at our Labview Plotter and the grid stays the same the y axis just shows the other scales and you read the signal peak to the next scale or to its scale .

Hope it helps
ABACOM support


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