Connections/Rats Nest reconnect during placement

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Connections/Rats Nest reconnect during placement

Beitrag von benb » Mittwoch 11. März 2020, 10:35

Currently, I use Sprint Layout 6 for a compact design, using some 60 components. Connections are all made (rubberband), now component placement is the next step.
Two features would be great for an update:
a. Automatic reconnection (on the fly or invoking by a button) of the connection to come to the shortest and most efficient way of connecting
b. with the TEST function: also highlight the pads that are connected via a rubberband connection, to check the correctness of the nets.
This would greatly support the placement process, and may not be a big hassle to implement for version 7!
Nevertheless, Sprint Layout is great for small and medium PCB projects: Reliable and quick!

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Re: Connections/Rats Nest reconnect during placement

Beitrag von abacom » Mittwoch 11. März 2020, 11:12

Thanks for your suggestions.
b. with the TEST function: also highlight the pads that are connected via a rubberband connection, to check the correctness of the nets.
This feature is already available. You can activate the option

Consider connections (rubberbands) in TEST mode

in the General Settings (Menu: OPTIONS -> General Settings...).
ABACOM support

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Registriert: Montag 9. März 2020, 22:58

Re: Connections/Rats Nest reconnect during placement

Beitrag von benb » Mittwoch 18. März 2020, 16:12

Hello Abacom,
In the meanwhile I wrote a Windows application that does the connection optimisation on the output file of "Text-IO Export elements", and the result can be loaded in Sprint Layout using "Text-IO Import elements". Are you interested to have this tool made available on your website? Can I send it to you by email for testing?

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Re: Connections/Rats Nest reconnect during placement

Beitrag von abacom » Montag 23. März 2020, 12:58


yes, of course you can send us your tool per email.
Please add a little explanation, we will take a look at it.
ABACOM support

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Montag 9. März 2020, 22:58

Re: Connections/Rats Nest reconnect during placement

Beitrag von benb » Mittwoch 8. April 2020, 16:02

The simple tool comes with a help screen and can be downloaded here:!AmY2MjqU9Kg-g6M-6uy ... Q?e=Uryqk2
Free to use!

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Montag 9. März 2020, 22:58

Re: Connections/Rats Nest reconnect during placement

Beitrag von benb » Donnerstag 3. März 2022, 17:07

The Reconnect tool is now available as plugin for the latest 2022 update of Sprint Layout 6.0.
Download the instructions and the .exe file here:
Instructions .pdf:!AmY2MjqU9Kg-hK4FYdl ... w?e=zu7cJb
.exe file:!AmY2MjqU9Kg-hK4GPP3 ... w?e=cXZMlj
Free to use. Suggestions welcome!


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