Die Suche ergab 1 Treffer

von sreaves
Donnerstag 6. April 2023, 01:00
Forum: Thema: Import, Export und Drucken
Thema: Konverter für AUTOTRAX 1.61 (Dos-Version) ?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3592

Re: Konverter für AUTOTRAX 1.61 (Dos-Version) ?

Yes there is certainly a way to do just that but it takes a few steps. I worked with the fellow that created the Cadcentric tool to produce 274-X gerbers from Autotrax DOS, Protel, Tango PCB and Traxmaker. Please join this group (It's free) and when you do look in the files section. I am going to at...

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